目的 用角度分析法探讨广东籍汉族正常成人容貌软组织的形态特征。方法 设立角度测量项目共 19项 ,其中侧面测量项目有 :∠Ns Prn Pgs ;∠NsPrn GsPgs ;∠Ns Prn Sn ;∠As Ns Bs ;∠Ns Sn Pgs ;∠Gs Ns Prn ;∠Cm Sn Ls ;∠Li Bs Pgs ;正面测量项目如下 :∠Zyr Rc Mes ;∠Zyl Lc Mes ;∠Exr Exl Sn ;∠Exl Exr Sn ;∠Exr Sn Exl;∠Enl Enr Sn ;∠Enr Enl Sn ;∠Enr Sn Enl;∠Sn Chr Chl;∠Sn Chl Chr ;∠Chr Sn Chl。随机选取 15 0例 (男女各半 )广东籍正常成人 ,摄取其正侧面软组织相片 ,再对其相片进行计算机辅助测量分析。结果 在侧面测量中 ,男性∠Ns Prn Sn和∠Li Bs Pgs显著大于女性 ,而男性∠Gs Ns Prn则显著小于女性。在正面测量中 ,男性∠Zyr Rc Mes和∠Zyl Lc Mes显著大于女性。结论 所设角度分析项目在容貌软组织形态特征的分析中具有独特的作用。
Objective To study the angular characteristics of facial profile in normal Han Chinese adults of Guangdong natives and the value of measurement methods adapted in this project. Methods One hundred and fifty Han Chinese adults (ratio of male to female,1∶1)were randomly chosen and parameters for computer aided angular analysis of facial soft tissues included:lateral angles:∠Ns Prn Pgs;∠Ns Prn GsPgs;∠Ns Prn Sn; As Ns Bs;∠Ns Sn Pgs;∠Gs Ns Prn;∠Cm Sn Ls and ∠Li Bs Pgs. front angles: ∠Zyr Rc Mes; ∠Zyl Lc Mes; ∠Exr Exl Sn; ∠Exl Exr Sn; ∠Exr Sn Exl; ∠Enl Enr Sn; ∠Enr Enl Sn; ∠Enr Sn Enl; ∠Sn Chr Chl; ∠Sn Chl Chr and ∠Chr Sn Chl.Results Lateral angles ∠Ns Prn Sn and ∠Li Bs Pgs,in male were larger significantly than that those in female, but ∠Gs Ns Prn in male was smaller significantly than that in female. Front angles,∠Zyr Rc Mes and ∠Zyl Lc Mes,in male were larger significantly than those in female.Conclusion Angular analysis plays a unique role in the measurement of facial soft tissue profile. There is a difference of facial soft tissue profile between male and female Han Chinese.
Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology