目的 为深入研究阿尔泰山林区莱姆病伯氏疏螺旋体致病之病理特征。方法 采用从当地林区媒介分离到的螺旋体接种于 2 0d龄的实验小鼠腹腔和皮下 ,于接种后 3 0d、60d、90d分别处死实验鼠 ,取肝脏做病理切片 ,HE染色 ,光镜下观察。结果 肝组织切片 ,实验鼠 9张 (只 ) ,对照鼠 3张 (只 ) ,光镜下 7只实验鼠肝组织呈散在嗜酸性变 ,肝细胞核固缩 ,胞浆红染 ,肝细胞浊肿 ,散在肝细胞坏死 ,淋巴细胞浸润于静脉血管周围。结论 小白鼠感染伯氏螺旋体后可导致肝细胞损害 。
Aim To study the pathological features of Lyme infected with Bottelia burrelia burgdorferi in Aletai mountain,Xinjiang.Method We inoculated the spirochete separated from the local forest rigion to the abdomen cavity and subcutaneous tissue of experimental rat,of 20-day.Killed the experimental rat after 30 day,60 day and 90 day,taked out the liver for sections and lient to HE staining,examine under the microscope.Results 7/9 of the section's of the liver tissue was found having the chang of ccidophilia,the live cell had the change in Karyopyknosis,clondy,swelling and necrosis.Conclusion The Bottelia borreha burgdorferi sensulato of lyme can damage the experimental rat's liver.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses