睡眼呼吸暂停综合征 是常见病,典型者诊断容易,但非典型者漏诊率高。全夜多道睡眠图是诊断的金标准,仍有必要探索简易价廉的诊断方法作为筛选和普查应用。基础的治疗包括饮食调节、减肥、侧卧睡眠、戒烟酒,避免服用镇静药等。中度以上病例首选鼻罩持续气道内正压(CPAP)治疗。部分轻中度病人也可考虑使用口腔矫治器治疗。对于有明显上气道结构异常者或用CPAP治疗后无效或不能耐受者,可考虑手术治疗。
Sleep apnea (SAS) is common in the
general population. Diagnosis is easy in typical patients, however, under-diagnosis is more seen in atypical patients. Over night polysomnography is the gold standard for diagnosis. It is necessary to develop some simple and cheap methods of diagnosis for screen testing or epidemiological application. General therapeutic measures, such as healthy diet, avoidance of alcohol and sedative drug, weight control and lateral position during sleeping, should be the basie treatment for all the patients. CPAP is the first choice of treatment for moderate to severe SAS. Some patient with mild to moderate SAS might be successfully
treated with oral appliance. Surgery treatment should be considered for severe SAS patients who failed to or not compliant to CPAP therapy.
Contemporary Medicine