目的 观察白内障超声乳化巩膜隧道内切口偏后的前房角镜下形态表现与房角的关系。方法 对 18例 18眼白内障超声乳化巩膜隧道内切口偏后的病例 ,术后行Goldmann房角镜检查。结果 巩膜隧道内切口偏后的 18眼中 ,前房角镜检查见内切口均未达Schwalbe线前的透明角膜区 ,其内切口位置 5眼位于Schwalbe线处 ,13眼位于Schwalbe线后 ,其中 3眼内切口位于小梁网处 ,4眼内切口倾斜明显 ,与Schwalbe线呈角状相交 ,1眼可见 2~ 3mm堤坝状虹膜周边前粘连 ,3眼虹膜受损有色素脱失。结论 巩膜隧道内切口偏后的病例内切口均未达Schwalbe线之前 。
Objective To investigate the changes of the internal entry posterior deflexion in scleral tunnel incision under gonisocope.Methods Gonioscopy was taken on 18 eyes of 18 cases who has undergone phacoemulsification with scleral tunnel incision internal entry posterior deflexion.Results All the 18 eyes internal incisions were not located in clear cornea anterior to schwalbe's line,5 eyes just at the line and 13 eyes were posterior to the line,among the 13 eyes there were 3 internal incisions located at the trabecular meshwork,4 internal entry line were slanting and intersected the Schwalbe's line,1 eye had 2~3 mm embankment form peripheral iris anterior synechiae.Conclusion Internal incisions posterior were not located in clear cornea may damage the angle of anterior chamber tissues.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries