目的 探讨闭合漏斗型视网膜脱离合并严重PVR病例的手术治疗方法。方法 对 12例进行闭合式三切口玻璃体切除及视网膜复位术。结果 12例视网膜全部复位 ,7例有不同程度的视功能改善 ,保持眼球外观。眼轴缩短呈塌陷状外观的病例术后外观及视力均有改善。结论 对闭合漏斗型视网膜脱离合并严重PVR病例手术治疗可以使部分病人保持视功能甚至恢复一定的视力。即使是无望恢复视力者也可以改善眼球的外观。
Objective To study the operation of prolifierative vitreoretinopathy D 3.Methods Vitreoretinal surgery were used in 12 cases with PVR D 3.Results Retina of 12 cases were all reattached.Visual acuity of 7 cases increases.The appearance and vision of the atrophic eye ball were improved.Conclusions The operation of PVR D 3 would restore some vision of the patients,improve the appearance of some atrophic eye ball.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries