本文介绍了南京航空学院空气动力研究所 NH-2低速风洞中以 HP1000A700计算机为中心的测力测压一体化试验的数据采集处理系统。该系统实现了风洞试验过程中对模型受到的力、力矩、表面压力、洞壁压力等的快速高精度同步采集和处理,不但使风洞的效率得到提高,而且有利于开展新试验技术的研究。文章讲述了系统的组成和特点,给出了系统配置图。系统包括 HP-2250测量控制子系统、780B 电子扫描压力测量子系统和 HP-1000主计算机,各子系统频繁的实时校正保证了测试精度优于±0.10%。文章重点介绍了软件的设计,并给出了几个应用实例。
A data acquisition and processing system,which is cen-tralized by HP1000 computer,for integration of force and pressure inNanjing Aeronautical Institute in this paper is described.The systemhas many good functions,fast speed,high accuracy and simultaneousacquisition and processing for measuring the force,moment andpressure on the model and the pressure on the wall in testing process.It is not only enhancing wind tunnel efficiency,but also developing newtest technique.The paper introduces the constitution and character ofthe system.A diagram of system configuration is shown.The systemcontains the HP2250 measurement and control subsystem,the 78013 elec-tronically scanned pressure measurement subsystem and HP1000 hostcomputer.Frequent on line calibrations of every subsystem insure er-rors not greater than±0.10% Full Scale.The softwere design is empha-sized in this paper,and several examples are given.
integration of force and pressure
data acquisition
data processing
test technique