八屋气田压力恢复资料分析成果表明:各井井筒污染较严重,大多存在边界反映特征,探测半径小,渗透率变化大;通过压裂改造井筒条件及产量一般能得到良好改善。稳定试井研究成果初步确定了松南地区一点法计算气井无阻流量公式。单井产能不高但差别较大,生产情况为递减快,单位压降采气量浅部登娄库组较深部营城子组和沙河子组气藏高。通过对农Ⅷ4和小Ⅱ气藏综合分析研究认为;小Ⅱ气藏压降法采收率在 70%左右,农Ⅷ4气藏达 97%。
Through analyzing the pressure build-up data of Bawu gas field, it is shown that the pollution in each of the wellbores is serious and most of them are of boundary effects, being of small 'drainage radii and wide changeable permeability values;and the wellbore flowing conditions and productivity can be improved by means of fracturing. In light of the research on systematic well testing it is indicated that the formula of calcu lating open-flow capacity by one-point method has been primarily determined for South Songliao Basin;single-well productivity isn't high, being largely different from each other; production decline is fast; and the gas production per unit pressure drop in shallow Denglouku Formation gas reservoir is higher than that in deeper Yingchengzi Formation and Shahezi Formation gas reservoirs. Through a synthetic study of Nong-VI4 and Xiao-II gas reservoirs it is considered that the recovery factor calcu lated by the reserves estimated by pressure decline method is about 70 % in Xiao-II gas reservoir and the one is up to 97 % in Nong-YE 4 gas reservoir.
Natural Gas Industry