广东省电力集团公司现有的局域网存在局限性 ,无法满足发展的需求 ,为此 ,提出了改造和建设方案 :在尽可能保障现有网络投资的前提下 ,网络的主干技术采用ATM技术 ,网络结构采用星形拓扑分布式结构。设计的目标是 :实现联网各单位都能同集团公司进行快速的信息数据交换、通过DDN专线访问因特网、实现会议电视系统。
The local information network of Guangdong Electric Power Holding Company (GEPH) covers GEPH proper,Guangdong Power Test & Research Institute,Guangdong Power Dispatching Center,Guangdong Electric Design Institute,Guangdong Electric Power Communication Co ,Ltd ,some other subsidiaries of GEPH nearby,the seven units that remotely participated in the Phase I MIS interconnection test, the communication center of the State Power Corporation of China and Internet. Most of the above units have established their own LAN,some of which have been simply interconnected. However,as the needs for interconnection become increasingly urgent and interconnection application more and more sophisticated,and with a series of network safety problems that arise after the link with Internet,simple network connection can no longer meet the demands of users,which necessitates the alteration of the existing information network and the construction of an advanced network system that is of high availability,reliability,manageability and upgradeability. Therefor,the alteration and construction scheme for local information network of GEPH is presented.
Guangdong Electric Power