葡萄各部位SO2 含量存在差异 ,从高到低依次为果梗、穗轴、果皮、果刷、果肉。SO2 常量处理的葡萄低温贮藏 90d后 ,葡萄食用部位 (果皮、果肉、果刷 )SO2 含量 (以鲜重计 )低于FDA标准 (10 μg/ g)。货架期条件下 ,葡萄果梗、果刷处SO2 含量有所增加 ,果皮、穗轴SO2 含量下降 ,果肉SO2 含量也有所下降 ,但其靠近果刷部位的下降幅度远低于远离果刷部位 ,原因可能是存在SO2 由果梗向果刷。
The residue of SO 2 in different parts of grape varied from high to low as such sequence:capstem,axis,peel,brush and flesh.SO 2 residue in edible parts of grape treated with suitable SO 2 was lower than FDA standard(10 μg/g)after stored for 90 days.During simulant shelf life,SO 2 residue in capstem and brush increased while SO 2 residue in peel,axis and flesh decreased.As for different parts of flesh,SO 2 residue in part near to brush had a less decline than that in part far to brush.This suggested that there was SO 2 transportation from capstem to flesh and brush.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica