首先对现有的 CSCW系统体系中的协作机制进行了认真的分析 ,进而提出了一种通用的模型运行控制机制— MTI协作模型和相应的协作策略 ,它解决了以往协作模型对各种协作方式及动态协同支持不足的问题 ,从而极大地提高了 CSCW系统中分布式协作的效率和质量 .本文最后对 MTI协作模型的协作策略进行了详细的形式化描述 .协作模型 MTI已成功地应用于国家九五科技攻关项目“面向协作的组件化的系统”的实现中 。
Firstly, this paper analyzes current cooperation mechanisms in CSCW system carefully, then puts forward a general model running control mechanism-MTI cooperation model, which solves the problems that existing cooperation models are short of the supports for all kinds of cooperation modes and dynamic cooperation. It can improve the efficiency and quality of distributed cooperation in CSCW system. At last, we formalize MTI cooperation model detailedly. MTI cooperation model has been applied in National Key Project 'Cooperation Oriented System Based On Component' successfully, and the practice indicates that the model can improve the cooperation capability and efficiency of the system effectively.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
国家"九五"科技攻关项目 (项目编号 96-743 -0 1-0 6-0 2 )资金资助