研究了产品开发设计过程集成的两项关键技术 ,即建立面向产品全生命周期的虚拟产品模型 ,以及项目模型、工作流模型和产品模型的集成问题 ,提出了虚拟产品模型的结构 ,以及项目模型、工作流模型和产品模型的集成框架。在此基础上 。
Two key technologies of the integration of product research and design processes are studied, which include building up the virtual product models orienting the cycle period of products and integrating the project models, workflow models and product models. Further more, the structure of the virtual product models and the integrated frame of the project models, workflow models and product models are presented. Then software systems, able to realize those functions, can be developed.