评估软件质量涉及到定性和定量两个方面。在定量的度量方面 ,要考虑两个问题 ,一是度量什么 ,二是如何度量。面向对象技术的新特点给软件度量提出了新的要求。本文提出了一种针对面向对象程序分析的度量自动化参考模型 MOOP,该模型采用三层结构 :翻译层、表示层、分析层 ,具有可重定编译前端、中间表示与语言无关、度量集可定制等优点。基于 MOOP参考模型 ,我们设计了一种面向对象度量自动化系统 MOOP-
We focus on two aspects in the research of software metrics One is what to measure and the other is how to measure. The object-oriented technology has imposed new requirements on software metrics In this paper we provide a reference model called MOOP for object-oriented programs' au toma tic measurement This model has three layers: translation, representation and analysis It can re-target the compiler front end.The inner repre se ntation is separated from the object language.Based on the model, we design a tool called MOOP-Kit to measure object-oriented features for Jav a programs
Computer Engineering & Science