本文探讨了带钢边部减薄的机理及锥形工作辊横移与交叉的 T-WRS & C(Taper Work RollShift and Cross)冷轧机边部减薄控制原理及工作特性 ,制定了轧机工作方案 ,确定了轧机工作的控制参数。在宝钢益昌冷连轧机组的实际应用表明 ,T-WRS& C冷轧机可以有效地控制带钢的边部减薄 。
In the paper, the edge drop reason of strip and edge drop control principle and working characters of T WRS & C(Taper Work Roll Shift and Cross)cold mill are analyzed.The working schedule and control parameters are worked out.The actual application to the tandem cold mill in BaoSteel YiChang company has proved that the edge drop can be controlled effectively and technical parameters are stable during rolling process.
Heavy Machinery
高等学校博士学科专项科研基金资助项目 ( 970 14 5 15 )