不间断电源装置 (UPS) ,担负着计算机电源的重任 ,对连续供电的系统中 (如石化企业连续生产过程控制系统 ,银行、机场等自动控制系统 )能否安全运行起着十分重要的作用。它一旦出现故障而发生供电中断 ,则一切都将陷入瘫痪状态。在金陵石化炼油厂就发生了上述故障 ,造成重要装置停工达 2 0min之久 ,直接、间接经济损失极大 ,后果极其严重。本文就此故障情况进行分析 。
UPS(Uninterrupted Power System)is responsible for the continuous power supply of computer system.It plays a very important role to guarantee the operation safty of the whole system in continuous power supply system,such as continuous process control system in petro chemical enterprise,bank system,airport auto control system etc.Once accident occurs with UPS,power interruption will makes the whole system paralysed.Unfortunately such kind of accident happened in the refinery of ISNOPEC Jinling Company,and resulted the main processing unit shutdown as long as 20 minutes,and the refinery had beared a heavy economic losses.
Jiangsu Machine Building & Automation