首次研究了疏水作用色谱 (HIC)中芳香醇同系物在不同种类盐流动相中的保留行为。以计量置换保留模型中的参数Z分析了HIC中小分子与生物大分子保留行为的差别 ,以及不同流动相组成对两种类型溶质的洗脱范围及洗脱能力的影响。与反相色谱相似 ,芳香醇在HIC中的保留仍存在同系物规律。比较了小分子和生物大分子在不同盐溶液中的Z值变化 ,表明流动相中的盐仅改变小分子与固定相的水合程度 ,而对生物大分子 ,除改变其和固定相水合程度外 。
The retention behavior of aromatic alcohol homologues in hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) was investigated for the first time The differences in retention behavior between proteins and small solutes, and the eluted range and ability of different salts to small solutes and biopolymers, are elucidated with the parameter Z of the stoichiometric displacement retention model The retention of aromatic alcohols follows the homologue rule By the comparison of the changes of Z in different salt solutions, it is found that for small molecules the salt type only changes the hydration degree; but for proteins, it not only changes the hydration of proteins and stationary phase, but also affects the conformation of protein molecules near the contact regions between the protein and the stationary phase surface
Chinese Journal of Chromatography
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3980 0 0 3)