《巴比伦以来的科学》及其作者普赖斯对科学计量学 等学科有巨大的影响。《巴比伦以来的科学》也是一部杰出的科学史著作。该书缘起于作者 提倡科学史研究的目的,并通过一系列重要科学史成就的展现很好地服务了这一目的。这些 成就不仅在当时推进了人们对科学、科学的历史和科学史的认识,而且我们今天还能从中获 得某种体悟和灵感。
Derek J.de Solla Price and his book Science Since Babylon have produced much influence on Scientometrics and other disciplines.This doesn't negate the fact that Derek Price was an outstanding historian of science and Science Since Babylon is a classical work of history of science . Science Since Babylon originated Price's intention “toattact the attention of humanists and scientists by oral presentation to what is usually called the History of Science”and it has carried the intention out very well by emerging a set of significant achievements of its author in the history of science.These significant achievements not only had inspired people to understand science and the discipline of history of science then but also are still giving us some inspiration today.
Studies in The History of Natural Sciences