在 p H2~ 3、温度 80~ 85℃的 Zn2 + 溶液中通入 H2 S气体 ,制取高纯 Zn S粉 .将 Zn S粉压制成形 ,通过高温烧结和快速冷却 ,可制成符合真空蒸发镀膜要求的 Zn S靶材 .Zn S靶的化学纯度及密度是影响镀膜质量的重要因素 ,烧结 Zn S靶的表观密度为 3.6 5~ 3.85g/ cm3 .本试验制备的 Zn
H\-2S gas was introduced into a Zn\+\{2+\} solution with pH 2~3 and temperature between 80℃ and 85℃ to prepare a high purity ZnS powder which, after being pressed to shape, was sintered at elevated temperatures and then quenched to get ZnS target complying with the requirement for vacuum coating. The chemical purity and density of ZnS target are important factors linked to the coating's quality. The apparent density of sintered ZnS target is 3 65~3 85 g/cm 3. The coating based on the ZnS target prepared in the test is in conformity with the requirement of optics.
Journal of Guangdong Non-Ferrous Metals