研究了过量锂锰氧化物 ,合成产品的结构和电化学性能。XRD结果表明 ,合成产品Li1+xMn2 O4 仍属于尖晶石结构 ,过量的锂进入尖晶石八面体位置。随着尖晶石八面体中锂量的增加 ,样品的晶胞常数减小 ,晶体体积收缩。循环伏安实验结果表明 ,过量锂尖晶石锂锰氧化物仍然保持原来的两步脱嵌锂离子过程。恒电流充放电结果表明 ,初始容量变化不大 ,稳定性提高。锂含量为1 0 3时 ,容量最高 ,稳定性最好。
Lithium manganese oxides with extra amount of lithium were synthesized and the structure and electrochemical performances were studied. The results obtained from X ray diffraction experiments revealed that the products (Li 1+x Mn 2O 4) had a spinel structure. Spinel cell constants decreased with increasing amount of doped lithium. Cyclic voltammograms showed that the products had two oxidation reduction peaks. Results obtained from Charge and Discharge experiments with an constant current showed that the product with x =0 03 has high capacity and cyclic stability.
China Manganese Industry
广州市科委资助课题 ( 98-Z - 0 77- 0 1)