阐述了宝钢 2 0 30mm五机架冷轧机所用的常规轧制料 (板厚 4.5~ 6.0mm)采用全连续轧制方式所需的装备研究。在轧制连续轧制料 (板厚 1 .8~ 4.5mm)的全连续轧制装备的基础上 ,经过机电设备改造和成功开发了新型自动分卷飞剪机 ,全面完成了连轧装备的改造任务 ,使各种规格的原料 (板厚 1 .8~ 6.0mm)都采用了全连续轧制方式 。
The equipment reseasch of fully continuous rolling for normal rolling strip with a thickness from 4.5mm to 6.0mm on the 2030mm 5 stand tandem cold rolling mill at Baosteel is described.Based on the fully continuous rolling equipment for continuous rolling strip(thickness from 1.8 to 4.5mm),after the revamping of electric machine and development of new type of flying shear,the reconstruction of the equipment is finished. The fully continuous rolling can be applied to all specifications(thickness from 1.8 to 6.0mm) of rolling strip,which resutls in great improvement of production.
Baosteel Technology