
植筋用粘合剂长期负荷性能检测与评估 被引量:5

Test and assessment for the function under sustained loads of adhesive used in rebar fastening system
摘要 随着城市建设的快速发展 ,植筋技术已广泛应用于钢筋混凝土加固行业。植筋用粘合剂的安全可靠性是决定植筋锚固系统承载性能的关键因素之一 ,因此 ,植筋用粘合剂安全性的评估显得尤为重要。本文主要介绍了安全性评估中“长期持续荷载作用下性能检测”的相关内容———试验内容、检测方法及评估条件 ;并以慧鱼产品———FISV36 0S的相关检测报告为例加以详细说明 ,以求抛砖引玉。 With the fast development of the city building,the technique of rebar fastening system has been used widely to strengthen the concrete structures.The safety and reliability of the adhesive is the critical factor for the resistance of rebar fastening system.Therefore,the test and assessment for adhesive′s function under sustained load is very necessary.This article introduces some contents relative to the test and assessment for function under sustained load--test items,test methods,assessment terms.In the third part,we take one of the Fischer′s products--FISV360S for example to illustrate more clearly.
出处 《四川建筑科学研究》 2001年第4期34-35,61,共3页 Sichuan Building Science
关键词 粘合剂 植筋 锚固 负荷 位移测量 rebar fastening system sustained load displacement measure confined tensile test
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