云南的竹林面积在 37万~ 4 0万hm2 之间 ,有 2 8属 2 30多种 ,是世界竹类植物的分布中心之一 ;同时 ,长期以来有一大批竹子方面的专家、实干家在竹子的分类、丰产栽培、竹产品加工等方面作了许多工作。然而由于种种原因 ,目前云南竹产业的发展不能令人满意 ,今后建议 :①集中力量发展 4万hm2 人工丰产竹林 ;②抓好种苗基地建设 ;③进行竹笋系列产品开发、竹浆造纸、竹子人造板等方面的深度发展 ;④向外地学习 。
Yunnan is one of the distribution centers of bamboo. There are 28 genera and more than 230 species of bamboo distributed in Yunnan, with the total bamboo grove area of 370 000~400 000 hm2. Lots of researches on bamboo including classification, high yielding cultivation and bamboo product processing were carried out in the past years. Five suggestions for the future development of bamboo industry in Yunnan were proposed. (1) develop 40 000 hm2 of high yielding bamboo grove; (2) construct bamboo nursery base; (3) develop bamboo series products, further process pulp and bamboo-base panel; (4) learn the develop experiences from other places, grasp the development emphases.
Forest Inventory and Planning