记述采自广西地区蚱总科 2新种 ,即刺翼蚱科的突眼斜叶蚱 Loxilobus promi-nenoculus,sp.nov.及蚱科的白条突眼蚱 Ergatettix albostriatus,sp.nov.。
In the present paper, two new species of Tetrigoidea from Guangxi are described. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Botany, Guangxi Academy of Sciences. 1. Loxilobus prominenoculus, sp. nov. (Figs.1~3) This new species is allied to Loxilobus insidiosus Bolivar, 1887, but differs in: 1) head protruding above the pronotum distinctly; 2) antennae inserted between the lower margins of eyes; 3) top of lateral lobe of pronotum sharp. Length of body: ♂8.2 mm,♀10 mm. Length of pronotum:♂9 mm,♀10 mm. Length of hind femur: ♂5 mm,♀6 mm. Holotype ♀, paratype 1♂, Guangxi: Fangcheng, 108°3′E, 21°7′N, 17-Ⅲ-1998, coollected by Li Tianshan. 2. Ergatettix albostriatus, sp. nov. (Figs.4~7) This new species is related to Ergatettix dorsifera (Walker, 1871), but differs in: 1) the width of vertex narrower than the width of an eye distinctly; 2) antennae inserted between the lower margins of eyes; 3) the upper margin of pronotum nearly straight in profile; 4) without a pair of short longitudinal keels between the shoulders. Length of body: ♀6 mm~7 mm. Length of pronotum: ♂10 mm~11 mm. Length of hind femur: ♂ 5 mm. Holotype ♂, Guangxi, Guilin, 110°2′E, 25°3′N, 22-Ⅳ-1999, collected Li Tianshan; paratypes 3♂♂, Guangxi, Guilin, 110°2′E, 25°3′N, 09-Ⅴ-1999, 14-Ⅷ-1999, 02-Ⅸ-1999, collected by Li Tianshan.
new species