
拱背果蝇属三新种记述(双翅目:果蝇科) 被引量:2

Three New Species of the Genus Lordiphosa (Diptera:Drosophilidae)
摘要 记述了拱背果蝇属 (Lordiphosa)黑色拱背果蝇种组 (nigricolorspecies group) 3新种 :黑腿拱背果蝇 (Lordiphosanigrifemursp nov )、鲁甸拱背果蝇 (Lordiphosaludianensissp nov )和施氏拱背果蝇 (Lordiphosashiisp nov )。 In this paper three new species of genus Lordiphosa were reported from Yunnan,China These three new species all belong to nigricolor species group.All of the types were deposited in College of Life Sciences,Peking University. 1 Lordiphosa nigrifemur sp nov.(Fig 1) Diagnosis:Femora dark brown to black except for terminal parts.Paramere(Fig 1:D,E) caudally bifurcated:dorsal branch approximately twice as long as ventral branch;anterior process small,ventral margin with ca .6 sensilla points medially.Aedeagus(Fig 1:D,E) double branched,bifurcated submedially at dorsal part of each branch,finger shaped at the tips,dorsal process shorter;aedeagal basal process connected to gonopod with membrane,bearing numerous finger shaped processes. Male Terminalia:Epandrium(Fig 1A) nearly entirely pubescent except for ventral and anterior margin,with ca .8 setae laterally and dorsally and ca .8 setae on caudoventral margin.Surstylus(Fig 1:A,B) with ca .12 dark brown,apically pointed primary prensisetae decreasing in size downward and arranging in convex row on nearly entire length of distal margin;with a few long stout spines on inner surface and 2 setulae caudoventrally.Cercus(Fig 1:A,C) oval,entirely pubescent,with ca .12 setae;tapering ventrally,with ca .5 stout spines in a row on caudoventral corner.Hypandrium(Fig 1:D,E) slightly triangular,without paramedian spines.Gonopods(Fig 1:D,E) fused,saddle shaped in lateral view,with slender process at caudoventral margin.Apodeme(Fig 1:D,E) broad terminally,dark brown,approximately twice as long as aedeagus. Female Terminalia:Oviscapt(Fig 1F) apically round,submedially broad,with ca .13 marginal and ca .7 apically pointed lateral ovisensilla.Spermatheca(Fig 1G) oblate,with shallow indentation on capsule;spermathecal duct introverted into the inner tip of spermatheca.The basal half of introvert and duct both wrinkled. Holotype:♂,Deqin,Yunnan Province,China,alt. ca .3?650?m,8-Ⅵ-1994,coll.ZHANG Wen Xia. Allotype:1♀,same data as holotype. Paratype:5♂,5♀,same data as holotype. Distribution:China (Yunnan). Relationship:This species resembles Lordiphosa nigricolor (Strobl,1898),but differs from it in the diagnosis characters,especially in the complicated structure of aedeagal basal finger shaped process. Etymology:Referring to femora dark brown to black except for terminal parts. 2 Lordiphosa ludianensis sp nov.(Fig 2) Diagnosis:Epandrium(Fig 2A) protrused slightly at the middle of the caudal margin.Paramere(Fig 2:B,C) not branched,long,slightly sclerotized,dilated basally,with ca .4 sensilla on ventral margin.Aedeagus(Fig 2:B,C) double branched,bifurcated submedially at dorsal part of each branch,finger shaped at the tips,dorsal process shorter;aedeagal basal process with 2 very long finger shaped processes caudoventrally.Hypandrium pubescent at the caudodorsal corner. Male Terminalia:Epandrium(Fig 2A) with ca .10 setae laterally to dorsally and ca .9 setae on caudoventral margin.Surstylus(Fig 2A) with ca .16 dark brown,apically round primary prensisetae.Cercus(Fig 2A) with ca .17 setae.Gonopods(Fig.2:B,C) with an apically round process at caudoventral margin.Apodeme(Fig 2:B,C) dark brown,approximately three times as long as aedeagus. Holotype:♂,Ludian,Lijiang County, Yunnan Province,China,alt. ca .3?050?m,13-Ⅵ-1994,coll.ZHANG Wen Xia. Paratype:1♂,same data as holotype. Distribution:China (Yunnan). Relationship:This species resembles the foregoing new species in the structure of surstylus and finger shaped aedeagal basal processes,but it can be distinguished from it by the diagnosis characters,especially by the structure of paramere. Etymology:Pertaining to the type locality. 3 Lordiphosa shii sp nov.(Fig 3) Diagnosis:Cercus(Fig 3A) tapering ventrally,with a tuft of stout spines on caudoventral corner, ca .9.Epandrium(Fig 3A) narrow and pointed ventrally,with an apically pointed process at the middle of caudal margin.Paramere(Fig 3:B,C)long,bow shaped in lateral v
出处 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期478-484,共7页 动物学研究(英文)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目主任基金资助 ( 30 0 5 0 0 0 1)
关键词 双翅目 果蝇科 拱背果蝇属 新种 Diptera Drosophilidae Lordiphosa New species
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