目的研究输血传播病毒 (transfusiontransmittedvirus,TTV)在供血员及各型病毒性肝炎中的感染率及对肝脏的致病作用。 方法检测 49名供血员和 16 5例肝炎患者血清中的TTVDNA(采用套式PCR技术 )。结果TTV在供血员中的感染率为 2 4.5 % ,病毒性肝炎中的感染率分别为 :甲 2 5 .0 % ,乙 2 9.3% ,乙 +丁 2 3.8% ,丙6 6 .7% ,戊 10 .0 % ,庚 80 .0 % ,非甲~非庚 36 .1%。非甲~非庚肝炎中TTV阳性者的肝损 (ALT ,SB)与全阴性者相比无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。TTV分别和各型肝炎混合感染及各型肝炎病毒单独引起的肝损相比无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。 结论TTV在人群中感染率较高 ,尤其在输血后易感。但TTV可能不是非甲~非庚病毒以外造成肝损的主要原因 。
Objective To investigate the infection rate of blood donors and hepatitis patients in relation to the pathogenic effects of TTV on hepatitis. Methods TTV DNA was examined in the serum of 49 blood donors and 165 hepatitis patients by nested polymerase chain reaction. Results The presence of TTV infection was 24.5% in blood donors, 25.0% in hepatitis A, 29.3% in hepatitis B, 23.8% in hepatitis B+D, 66.7% in hepatitis C, 10.0% in hepatitis E, 80.0% in hepatitis G and 36.1% in hepatitis with non-A to non G patients. The mean serum ALT or SB in patients with TTV infection alone was similar to that in patients without any viremia (P>0.05). The mean serum ALT or SB in patients with hepatitis virus A to G did not differ between those patients with and without TTV viremia (P>0.05). Conclusion A higher prevalence with TTV infection was found in obviously in those subjects with transfusion. TTV may not be the primary hepatitis virus that may cause hepatitis of unknown etiology for non-A-G hepatitis virus. This study has clearly shown that TTV infection in hepatitis A to G is likely not to be a cause of severe liver disease.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Secondae Shanghai
transfusion transmitted virus
blood transfusion