目的 调查泰安市高校中老年人群高血压患病率 ,探讨患病危险因素。方法 现况调查和危险因素的病例对照研究。结果 该市高校中老年男女患病率分别为 30 .89%和 2 9.15 % ,合并高血脂、冠心病和高血糖分别为 32 .6 0 %、17.2 1%和 6 .2 2 %。患病率随着年龄增加而升高 ,女性绝经期后患病率迅速升高。结论 泰安地区中老年人群高血压患病率较高 ,高血脂、肥胖、高盐饮食、缺乏体力活动、高血压家族史、吸烟及睡眠差可能是重要的危险因素。
Objective To investigate morbidity rate and risk factors of hypertension among people aged over 40 at colleges and universities in Tai'an. Methods Prevalence survey and case control study. Results The morbidity rates of hypertension in male and female were 30.89% and 29.15%, respectively. Hypertension complicated with hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease and hyperglycemia were 32.60%, 17.21% and 6.22%, respectively. Morbidity rates of hypertension increased with the increase of age. The morbidity rate increased rapidly after climacterium in female. Conclusions The prevalence rate of hypertension is relatively high among people aged over 40. Hyperlipidemia, obesity, high sodium diet, hypertension family history, smoking and dyssomnia are risk factors of hypertension.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention