目的 研究天文潮汐对急性冠心病事件发生率的影响。方法 分析87例急性冠心病患者发病在各潮汐期的分布。结果 在强天文潮汐期内发生急性冠心病的患者显著多于其他时期,而且在朔望期发生的人数多于上、下弦期。结沦 护理人员要了解天文潮汐的变化规律,教育冠心病患者在强天文潮汐期内要保持情绪稳定。
Objective To evaluate the effect of astronomical tide on incidence in actue coronary events (ACEs). Methods Eigty-seven patients with ACEs were studied in astronomical tide peri-ods. Results More ACEs were observed during strong astronomical tide period,especially in up and down periods. Conclusion Nurses should know about the regularity of astronomical tides,and give appropriate advice to patients with coronary heart disease to keep them calm psychologically.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army