目的 描述辽宁省11个城市口腔正畸人才的发展状况和分布特点。方法 对辽宁省11个主要城市调查统计资料进行比较分析。结果 从1990年到1999年十年间,辽宁省口腔正畸业迅速发展,正畸医师主要集中在沈阳和大连等城市;从1990年的29人到1999年的180人,同时本科以上人数随之增长,但占总人数的百分率有所下降。结论 辽宁省正畸医师队伍增长迅速,但分布尚不均匀,专业教育有待提高。
Objective To describe the distributional characteristics and development of dentists doing orth-odontic work in Liaoning. Methods Data from 11 major cities in Liaoning were analyzed. Results Orthodontics de-veloped rapidly in Liaoning in the last decade( 1990 - 1999). Dentists doing orthodontic work gathered in cites such as Shenyang and Dalian. The number of dentists doing orthodontic work increased from 29 to ISO during this period. At the same time, the number of degree holders( including bachelor degree) increased, but the percentage of the degree holders declined. Conclosion The number of dentists doing orthodontic work increased dramatically, but the number of degree holders not inereased proportionaly. Professional education need to be improved.
Chinese Journal of Orthodontics