分析了我国钢铁工业加入 WTO后所面临的权利、义务、机遇、冲击和挑战 ,借鉴国际上对钢铁业的保护措施 ,指出入世后应学习和研究世贸规则、运用规则 ,加快技术创新和技术进步的步伐 ,加大市场营销力度 ,研究和借鉴国外钢铁行业通行的贸易保护做法 ,提高企业参与国际竞争的能力。
Analyzing the right,duty,opportunity,impact and challenge lying ahead o f iron and steel industry in our country after entering into WTO, and using the protective measurements of iron and steel industry in internationality for refer ence.It is shown that we should study the world trade rules,use the rules,speed our steps of technological innovation and advancement ,strengthen the marketing dynamics of the market and improve the enterprises' ability participating in the international competition on the basis of studying and using the current trade protective modus for reference abroad.
Shandong Metallurgy