介绍了薄板坯连铸连轧技术中 CSP技术、ISP技术、FTSR技术、CONROL L技术、QSP技术等的主要特点 ,指出薄板坯连铸连轧技术将朝着各种技术相互渗透、共同发展 ,新技术、新工艺不断开发应用 ,产量质量日趋提高 ,品种范围扩大 ,规格越来越薄的方向发展。
The main features of several representative technologies of CSP, ISP, FTSR, CONROLL and QSP in TSCC DR are discussed in this paper. It is pointed out that these technologies will be inosculated with each other; new technologies and new processes will be developed and applied continuously;the yield will be increased and the quality will be improved at the same time, the scope of the variety will be enlarged increasingly and the thickness of slab will be developed thinner and thinner in future.
Shandong Metallurgy