从企业主要经济指标、企业综合经济效益指标和各类产品占总产量的比例三个方面 ,对中国机协 34家行业骨干企业 2 0 0 0年的经济状况进行了统计分析。统计分析结果表明 ,随着机械行业整体形势的好转 ,粉末冶金行业的形势也是好的 ,工业总产值、出口创汇额均有较大幅度增长 。
Statistical economic analysis of year 2000 was done onto 34 main enterprises of PM Association of China Machine General Parts Industry Society.The analysis was done based on three kinds of economic indicators,the main indexes,the gains and product ratios.Results shown that the P/M industry goes better because the whole machinery industry has turned to be in a good situation.Both the total output and export earnings greatly increased,resulting in a considerable benefit for whole the P/M industry.
Powder Metallurgy Industry