金属粉末的制备是粉末冶金的关键 ,等离子旋转电极法 ,是现代工业上采用的离心雾化法制取金属粉末的主要方法之一 ,但存在着待雾化金属棒需要高速电机及其运动高速旋转棒的机构 ,而且 ,制取的粉末粒度较大。文章介绍了采用功率超声振动能量制取超细金属粉末的超声雾化法 ,提出了超声换能器振动系统、等离子枪、阳极喷咀、阴极及其最佳尺寸和工作参数 ,给出的实验结果表明 ,用文章中所述方法制取的钛金属粉末平均粒度约10 0 μm,小于 180 μm的粉末占 84 .0 % ,小于 12 5 μm的粉末占 6 3.7% ,而用等离子旋转电极法制取的粉末粒度分别占 19.5 %和 11.7% 。
It is key for powder metallurgy to manufacture metallic powder,Though PREP(plasma rotating elcctrode process)is one of the main methods,PREP has some disadvantages for needing high speed motor and complex machine supporting high speed rotating bar,and the efficiency of granularity is low.The paper presented a ultrasonic atomization method(UAM)which manufactured superfine metallic powder by ultrasonic energy.The working parameters and the optimum size of the atomization chamber,cathode,anode,nozzle and transducer are discussed.The experimental results show that the average grain size of the metallic powder made by this method is about 100 μm.In which the size of 84 per cent powder is less 180 μm,and that of 63.7 per cent powder is less 125 μm.But the percentage of powder made by the plasma rotating electrode process(PREP)is 19.5 per cent for less 180 μm and 11.7 per cent for less 125 μm respectively.So the UAM is better than the PREP in graininess
Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics
陕西省教育委员会专项基金资助项目 (JK910 3 )