
提高医疗服务质量 确保母婴安康 被引量:5

Increase the medical and service quality and to ensure the safety of mothers and infants
摘要 通过对医院传统产科管理模式的改革,建立了一种全新的产科责任制管理模式,即产前区实行“责任 工作制”,产房实行“全程专责陪伴分娩”制度,并与传统的产科管理模式进行产科质量的比较。结果产前区2000年9 ~12月,医护人员总计加班178人次,消灭医疗隐患,堵住医疗漏洞28人次;2000年产房责任制助产与1997年传统 产房助产模式医疗质量比较,产程时间平均下降 3.24 h;异常阴道分娩:吸引产、产钳分别下降47.50%和 66.69%;潜 伏期延长、活跃期停滞、第二产程延长、滞产下降了100%,均为P<0.01。新生儿重度、轻度窒息下降了61.11%和 51.70%,新生儿气管插管下降了86.70%,均为P<0.01。宫颈裂伤下降64.23%,P<0.01;会阴Ⅲ度裂伤下降100%。 产后大出血下降76.60%,会阴侧切伤口感染率下降87.78%,均为P<0.01。死产、孕产妇死亡率下降100%,P>0.05。 产房剖宫产率二年间无显著差异P>0.05。提示产科实行责任制管理,大大提高了产科的医疗和服务质量,最大限度地 消灭了医疗隐患,说明这种新的产科管理和工作模式是先进的,可行的。 Objective: To increase the work quality in the Gynecology Department and to ensure the safety of mothers and infants by reforming the traditional administrative models. Methods: 'The System of Responsibility before Delivery' and 'Responsib1e Parturition Accompanied throughout the Whole Process'has been carried out and then the qualities were compared. Results: There was no significant difference between the two groups of cae- sarean operation (P >0. 05). From Sep. to Dec. in 2 000, the medical staff worked extra hours total1y 178 times to eliminate hidden risks, to have avoided 28 times of potentia1 medical loopholes. The new models de- creased the delivery time by 3. 24 hours and produced decreased 47. 50% in suction de1ivery, 66. 69% in forceps delivery.' 100% in prolonged incubation period, stasis of active period, prolonged birth process and protrated labor (P<0. 01). 61. 11% and 51. 70% respectively in severe and mild neonate suffocation (P<0. 01). 86. 70% in trachea1 incubation, 64. 23% in laceration of cervix , 100% in third degree laceration of perineum, 76. 60% in postpartum hemorrhage, 87. 78% in the infection rate of laceration of perineum (all above P<0. 01). And 100% in dead birth and maternal mortality (P<0. 05). Conclusion: The app1ication of the responsible ad- ministration has significantly increased the medical and service quality in the Gyneology Department, which shows that this new administrative model is advanced and practical.
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 2001年第10期597-599,共3页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
关键词 责任制管理 产科质量 分娩 助产模式 母婴健安 Responsib1e administration Quality in the Gyneco1ogy Department Parturition delivery model
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