目的:观察肾盂肾下盏夹角及结石大小对结石排净率的影响。方法:选择68例肾下盏结石患者,通过IVU影像,测量夹角与结石直径,并经ESW L治疗,随访2月,观察结石排空情况. 结果:68例患者,结石完全排出42例,总的结石排空率为 61.7%。结论:提示肾盂肾下盏夹角,结石直径对结石排净率有重要影响。
Objetive To observe the effect of the infundibulopelvic angle and the size of stone on stone - free rate. Methods :68 patients with lower caliceal stone were selected. Intravenous urograms were reviewed to measure the infundibulopelvic angle and the stone diameter. With extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, we observed the stone - free rate at 2 - month follow up. Results The overall stone - free rate was 61. 7% . The infundibulopelvic angle was greater than 90 degrees, stone diameter was less than 1cm, and the stone - free rate was greater. Conclusion : From our study it is obvious that the infundibulopelvic angle, as well as stone diameter, has a significant role in stone - free status after ESWL.
Journal of Chongqing Medical University