目的 :探讨避免并发下睑凹陷或外翻的袋术式。 方法 :在下睑袋整形术中 ,将疝出的眶脂肪和松弛的眼轮匝肌部形成眶隔脂肪肌瓣充填于眶下缘的睑 -颊沟凹陷处 ,再将此瓣向外上牵引 ,缝合于眶外上缘骨膜上。 结果 :30例 (6 0只眼 )术后随访 6月~ 12月 ,外形满意无睑外翻或凹畸形等并发症。 结论 :此术式操作简便 。
Objective:To study on the usage of orbit septum fat muscle flap to pat and suspend in dermatolysis lower palpebrarum without complicating ectropion or excavation of the lower palpebrarum Method:The orbital septum fat muscle flap envaginated in the correction of dermatolysis lower palpebraum was pad in the palpebrarum bucca groove to eliminate where excating, and rotated the flap(90°),its mediat point then to be suspended to the lateral superior periorbit without complicating excavation of the lower palpebrarum Results:30 cases corrected with this operation,after 6~12 months,and had not complication of ectropion or excavation of lower palpebrarums. Conclusion:The results showed that this method was simplified and good for dermatolysis lower palpebrarum
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine