目的 :初步探索晨尿中生长激素浓度是否可作为对青春发育期进行精确预测与判断的量化评价指标。方法 :在成都市 9岁、13岁、17岁 3个年龄段具有正常形态和生理发育的中小学生中随机抽取 2 37人 (男女各半 )作横向调查 ,采集晨尿行放射免疫检查 ,同时结合形态与生理发育 ,评价晨尿中生长激素 (GH)浓度与青春发育期关系。结果 :①男女学生晨尿中GH浓度在 9岁、13岁组之间无明显差异 ,17岁组晨尿中GH浓度明显低于 9岁和 13岁组(P <0 0 5 ) ;②晨尿中GH浓度与年龄、性别、身高、性征、前一年身高增长量之间相关系数有统计学意义 (P <0 0 5 ) ,但相关系数低 ;③每组检测对象晨尿GH浓度变异系数均大于 30 % ,离散程度大。结论 :①晨尿GH浓度与青春发育期有一定相关性 ,晨尿中生长激素浓度的测定可作为判断青春发育的辅助手段 ;
Objective:The aim of this study is to investigate relationship between the concentration of human growth hormone in urine (HGH_U) and puberty, and to find a simple, accurate, and acceptable way of judging puberty of patients.Methods: The concentration of HGH_U was measured by using radioimmunoassay in 277 students of Chengdu, and students were divided into three different groups, according to their ages (9, 13, 17 years old). Half of them are male. In order to evaluate the relationship between the concentration of HGH_U and puberty, the information of age, height, weight, growth velocity and sex character of all individuals were obtained, and analyzed their relation with the concentration of individuals' HGH_U.Results: ① There was no significant difference in the concentration of HGH_U between the 9_year_old group and the 13_year_old group, but there is significant difference between the concentration of HGH_U in the 9_year_old, 13_year_old groups and that of the 17_year_old group, and the concentration in the latter group is lower than those of the former two groups. ②The concentration of HGH_U was negatively correlated with height, body weight, age, sex character and growth velocity (P<0.05), but the correlation coefficient is low. ③The coefficients of variation of HGH_U in all group were higher than 30%, which indicated a low dispersion degree.Conclusion:The concentration of HGH_U cannot be used as an independent indicator to evaluate puberty of children.\;
West China Journal of Stomatology