本文对BMZ脱色剂的脱色性能、吸附等温线、吸附动力学及脱色机理进行了初步实验研究。实验证明 ,BMZ脱色剂具有强烈吸附色素的能力 ,脱色率较传统脱色剂提高了80 % ,而且价格低廉 ,资源丰富 ,操作简单并可再生 ;经计算机回归处理 ,发现Feundlich吸附等温式可以很好地描述BMZ的吸附过程 。
Experimental investigations were preliminarily carried out on decoloring in sugar juice by the adsorption of the BMZ agent. The influences of BMZ's doses, operating temperature, mixing time on the adsorption were investigated. It was found that BMZ have strong adsorptive capactites, the decoloring rate was 80%higher than the traditional method. Freundlich's adsorption isothermal equation was found to have a good fit for the adsortion of the BMZ. The machanism of the adsorption was preliminarily studied, it is believed that the aborption of BMZ is a physical one.
Guangxi Journal of Light Industry