通过问卷调查 ,对海口市成年人参加体育活动的情况进行了研究 .结果表明 :成年人参加体育活动的项目以球类居多 ,其次为健身健美和跑步 ;活动地点主要为空地和体育场馆 ;多数人每周参加体育活动 1~ 2次 ,每天所用时间大都在 1h左右 ;锻炼目的以增强体质为主 ;工作忙、无兴趣是影响市民参加体育活动的主要原因 .
A survey was conducted through questionnaires with the following findings: the most popular sports with Haikou's adults are ball games, followed by bodybuilding, calisthenics and jogging. Open grounds and public gyms are the main locations where these sports activities are carried out. Most of the subjects claim that they take part in sports once or twice a week, about an hour each time. Regular participants say that to stay healthy is the main motivation for their regular participation in sport. Non regular participants, on the other hand, claim that their busy work schedule or lack of interest prevents them from participating in sports on a regular basis.
Natural Science Journal of Hainan University