文章对公司制度的原始时期、近代时期及现代时期三个不同阶段的历史背景、形成原因、表现形式进行了探讨 ;并通过对公司制度与其他企业组织形式的比较 ,针对公司的五种基本形态从运行机制、法律地位、产权关系、组织机构及经济责任等方面进行了全面阐述 ;以此为基础 ,文章还就我国公司制度产生的背景、历史演革及现状进行了探讨。
In this paper,the author probes into historical background,causes and manifestation of the compang system in the following three differest periods:primitive period,modern period and contemporary periol.The author compares the company system with the other enterprises' organizational forms and makes a thorough exposition on the five basic forms of company in such aspects as operating mechamism,legal status,property right relationship,organization and economic responsibility.On the basis of the analysis,the author probes into the background,the historical evolution and the present situation of Chian's company system.
Journal of Dezhou University