利用卢瑟福背散射及沟道技术研究了 2 Me V Er+ 以不同剂量注入硅 (10 0 )所引起的辐射损伤及其退火行为 .采用多重散射模型计算了 2 Me V 1× 10 1 4/ cm2 注入硅 (10 0 )引起的损伤分布 ,并与 TRIM96模拟得到的结果进行了比较 .结果表明计算得到的损伤分布与 TRIM96模拟的损伤分布完全符合 ;实验结果表明 Me V Er+ 注入后硅样品的退火行为与注入剂量及退火温度紧密相关 .随着退火温度的变化 ,注入剂量为 5× 10 1 4/ cm2
Radiation damage and annealing behavior of Si(100) implanted with 2MeV Er + ions with various doses are investigated using Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and channelling (RBS/C) technique.The damage profile of silicon substrate induced by 2 0MeV Er + at a dose of 1×10 14 /cm 2 is extracted using the multiple scattering dechannelling model of Feldman,and the result is in good agreement with the TRIM96 calculation.The experimental results show that the annealing behavior of 2 0MeV Er + implanted into silicon is strongly influenced by the implantation dose and annealing temperature.For the samples with dose of 5×10 14 /cm 2 and more,an abnormal annealing behavior is found and a qualitative explaination is given
国家自然科学基金 (批准号 :69890 2 2 1)资助项目~~