目的 :本文介绍应用 Ho:YAG激光配合纤维内窥镜治疗喉部疾病 ,为临床医师提供一种新的疗法。方法 :应用用 Ho:YAG激光配合纤维喉镜 ,治疗喉部疾病包括声带小结、息肉、囊肿、炎性肉芽肿、喉乳头状瘤、舌根淋巴组织增生、喉狭窄、会厌囊肿、梨状窝囊肿、双侧声带麻痹及咽喉部淋巴血管瘤共 6 1例。结果 :6 1例中治愈 50例 ,好转 11例 ,治愈率达 82 % ,好转率达 18%。结论 :Ho:YAG激光治疗喉部疾病的优点是手术简便、病人痛苦小、出血少、疗效好、术后反应轻、无喉水肿出现、不需行气管切开术、术后不影响喉部功能。
Objective:We introduced a Ho:YAG laser surgical which was treated the laryngeal diseases via endoscopy. Methods:61 patients with the different laryngeal diseases included polyp nodule, paralysio of vocal cord,inflammatory granuloma pipilloma stenosis eyst,angiolymphangioma in laryns and lingual lymfphadenosis which were treated by Ho:YAG laser via fibsobranchocopy.Results:Of the 61 case,50 cured,the cure rate was 82%;11 improvement,the inprovement rate was 18%.Conclusions:The advantages of treatment by Ho:YAG laser in laryngeal disease was simple,less pain,less hemorrhage,mild postoperative reaction,no edema of larynx,preoperative teacheostomy could be avoided,normal framework of larynx could be perfectly pretected.
Applied Laser