帝王蕉原产印度尼西亚群岛,本世纪五十年代从印尼引至我省万宁县,现有小面积种值,帝王蕉果型小巧美观,口感香醇,是较有发展前途的一种经济商品,目前未见其组培的报道,经实验其微繁的最佳条件为:1)芽诱导培养条件:MS+4mg/L BA+(0.2~0.3)mg/L糖+0.6%琼脂。2)增植继代:MS+(2~3)mg/L BA+(0.02~0.05)mg/L糖+0.6%琼脂。MS+(1~2)mg/LNAA+25g/L糖+0.4%活性炭+0.7%琼脂。培养基的pH均为5.8~6.0,光照2000~2500LX,温度29℃~30℃。
In this paper, we discuss the condition of tissue culture for Diwang banana. From the tests we get the results that the respective good condition for bud induction is MS + (0.2~0.3)mg/L NAA + 4mg/ LBA+0.6%Ager, for bud proliferation is MS + (0.02~0.05)mg/L NAA+ (2~3)mg/LBA+0.6% Ager, while for root growth is MS + (1~2)mg/L NAA + 0.7%Ager + 0.4%Carbon,pH is 5.8~6.0.