在 Tween80 - (NH4) 2 SO4液 -固萃取体系中 ,试验了淫羊藿甙在两相的分配行为 .选择Tween 80浓度为 9% ,(NH4) 2 SO4浓度为 1.667mol/ L ,萃取 p H 4 .2 0 ,淫羊藿甙的一次萃取率可达 95 .2 % .选择 (NH4) 2 SO4浓度为 2 .12 1mol/ L ,反萃 p H 10 .30 ,经一次反萃 ,可使 94 .2 %的淫羊藿甙与 Tween80分离 .用 HPL C对分离效果作了评价 ,结果表明 。
The distribution behavior for icariin was studied in the Tween 80 (NH 4) 2SO 4 liquid solid extraction system.The extraction rate of icariin for one time can reach 95.2 % by choosing the Tween 80 concentration at 9 %,the (NH 4) 2SO 4 concentration at 1.667mol/L,the extraction acidity at pH 4.20. 94.2 % of icariin for one time can be counter extracted from the Tween 80 solid phase by fixing the (NH 4) 2SO 4 concentration at 2.121 mol/L.The evaluation was made on the separation effect by HPLC.The results show that the extraction system has obvious effect on the separation and purification of icariin of herba epimedii,and is of practical and applicable value.
Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities(Natural Sciences)