目的 全面提高和保证胸部影像质量 ,实施胸部影像资料的数字化存贮和管理。方法 ①根据不同的胸部摄影体位给定最佳的曝光条件 ;②运用层次处理技术调整图像的密度和对比度 ,运用锐化处理技术实施影像细节的增强。结果 优片率达到 95 %以上 ,全面保证照片质量 ,重摄率为零。结论 运用LDRD系统实现胸部X线摄影 。
Objective To ensure and improve chest film quality and archive and manage chest image information. Methods ①Making an exposure table based on the different chest position; ②The density and contrast of images were adjusted by the gradation processing, the tiny construction of images was enhanced by the edge enhancement. Results All digital images quality was ensured, the high quality film rate is up to 95%. Conclusion LDRD images quality is better than routine X ray photographs.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology