在三组分复合锂基脂中引入钙皂制备的复合锂 钙基脂 ,具有高滴点及良好的胶体安定性、剪切安定性、抗水性、防腐性和润滑性 ,适合作汽车、坦克、火炮和舰艇的通用润滑脂。利用红外、X 射线衍射、差热和电子显微镜等手段研究了复合锂 钙基脂的结构。结果表明 ,复合皂的形成是共结晶而非化学结合 ;复合锂 钙皂与混合锂 钙皂二者的X 射线衍射图有区别 ,说明它们的晶体结构不同 ;另外 ,二者的纤维结构不同 ,前者没有出现单独的钙皂纤维 ,说明它不是锂皂与钙皂的简单混合 ,而是钙皂分子深入到了复合锂皂的纤维内部 ,形成了以复合锂皂晶体为主干、钙皂分子填补空位的共晶结构。两种润滑脂的结构不同导致了它们性能的不同。
Li Ca complex grease prepared by adding calcium soap into three component Li complex grease possesses high dropping point and good colloidal stability, shear stability, corrosion protection, water resistance and anti wear properties. The structure of Li Ca complex grease was studied through IR spectroscopy, X ray diffraction, DTA and electron microscope. The results showed that Li Ca complex grease was in the form of co crystal without chemical bonding. The difference of Li Ca complex base grease from Li Ca mixed base grease in X ray diffraction indicated the difference of their crystal structure. The difference was also shown in their fiber structure. No Ca soap fibers exist in Li Ca complex grease, indicating that it was not the simple mixture of Li and Ca soap but it was co crystal structure, in which the complex Li soap was the main part and the Ca soap molecule only occupied the vacancies. Difference of the two greases in structure leads to the difference in their performance.
Acta Petrolei Sinica(Petroleum Processing Section)