目的 :了解荥阳青台遗址人骨疾病的情况。方法 :用观察、测量和X线投射方法进行研究。结果 :在 2 7例骨架中发现骨性产道和骶骼关节骨性融合异常 1例、脊柱唇样增生 4例、胫骨慢性骨髓炎 1例。结论 :在考古中发现骨性产道异常伴骶髂关节骨性融合。难产属首次报导。将该病病史向前推进约 6 0 0 0多年。
Objective: The purpose of this study is to understand bone disease condition of Xingyang Qingtai ruins.Methods: Adopted naked eye observed and instrument measured to research bone disease. Results: Bone labor canal abnormal a cases,fused sacroiliac articulation case, and vertebral labial byperplasia (4 cases) and tibial chronic marrow inflammation (1 ase) were founed in 27 skeletons.Conclusion: It is the first report that a younth female and her fetus died of bone labor canal abnormal in archaeological study.This disease was marched farward six thousand years.
Henan Medical Research