为了解上海市保健食品消费者所具有的保健食品营养知识、对保健食品的态度和消费行为 ,对 10 0 7名消费者采用统一的KAP调查问卷进行了调查。结果发现消费者的保健食品知识、态度得分较低 ,且文化程度与保健食品营养知识得分存在正相关关系。 5 0 2 %的消费者不知道《保健食品管理办法》 ,不能识别保健食品专用标识者高达 71 1%。保健食品知识主要来源于广告。71 9%的消费者对保健食品广告或产品说明书持半信半疑态度。对保健食品的主要意见是产品广告宣传有夸大、虚假现象 ,同类产品过多 ,无法选择。 84 7%的人购买保健食品是自己或家人食用 ,购买时主要考虑保健功能。 4 6 2 %的消费者认为服用保健食品后无效。这些调查结果提示应加强保健食品营养知识的宣传介绍 ,努力提高保健食品质量 ,强化监督管理工作 ,使消费者对保健食品的知识更为科学 ,态度更为积极 。
In order to investigate nutritional knowledge, attitude and practice of health food among consumers in Shanghai. 1 007 consumers of health food in 6 emporiums in Shanghai were field surveyed. The results showed that the level of consumers' nutritional knowledge was low. There was positive correlation between education and knowledge of health food ( r =0.999, P <0.001). 50.2% consumers did not know the act of health food, and 71.1% consumers did not recognize the special mark of health food. The major channel from which consumers learned health food was advertisement. 71.9% consumers dubitated advertisement or label, 84.7% consumers purchased health food for themselves or their families, and 46.2% consumers did not think to get the expected effect after taken health food. Consumers' knowledge of health food was few, and it is necessary for giving them education on health food.
Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene