2001年11月初,中国入世前夕,摩托罗拉正在北京召开全球董事会。摩托罗拉成为首批第一时间内向中国入世表示祝贺的外国公司之一,同时作出致力于在华发展的重大决策——3个100亿美元,即在未来5年内,将累计从中国采购价值100亿美元的零配件和服务;到2006年,在华年产值将达到100亿美元,在华累计投资总额将达到100亿美元。 此消息被美国媒体以“疯了,摩托罗拉”的大字标题登上显著位置。 而就在不久前。
Just before China joined the WTO, Motorola announced that in 5 years it would invest 10 billion dollars in this country. American press called it 'a crazy move' , as the company' s global business is experiencing an embarrassing slip. But Motorola has its company. Almost all of the world largest telecom equipment vendors will expand their investments in China. It's a clear signal: after joining the WTO, China is not only a very important market for those telecommunication giants. but also an important base for them to collocate global resources. They invest not only to set up large scale manufacturing bases, but also R&D centers that support their global business. It can be evidenced by the fact that recently, international telecom giants are acting to integrate their joint ventures in China. consolidate management systems and unify marketing channels. China's telecommunication market will once again face big changes.