
IT2002——中国IT业2002年信心调查 被引量:4

What China's IT will be like in 2002?
摘要 “这是最好的年代,也是最坏的年代。”巴尔扎克在《人间喜剧》的前言里如是说。 从2000年到2001年这短短的两年时间中,全球IT行业被互联网带到了世界之巅,却又毫无心理准备地跌回了2000年的起点。这种“回归”和“调整”是让人不寒而栗的。虽然财富并没有比两年前减少,但是前途开始陷入了一团撕扯不开的迷雾之中…… 2001年岁末的IT财富年会上。 The end of 2001 saw the CEOs from China' s IT sector get together at the annual IT Fortune Forum, where Global Senior Vice President of International Data Company, Mr. Philippe De Marcillac gave some encouraging data to these CEOs: the growth rate of China's IT market in 2001 is 23.8% and in 2002 will be 28.1%.The numbers failed to excite theses CEOs. After all, the optimistic preaching by Merrill Lynch in 2000 that '2001 couldn' t be better' had pushed these people to set a target deemed unachievable. For them. 2001 is really disappointing. And 2002 may be even gloomy.Does China's IT sector really begin to slip into recession. as the global market did? Or just the gloomy prospect of the economy hurts the confidence of these CEOs in their future? What will the growth rate of China' s IT sector exactly be in 2002? Where is China' s IT heading for? And what is the 'powerhouse' that leads to the sustainable growth of IT sector in China?CEO&CIO In Information Times spent two months surveying top-ranking officials from China'sIT companies. By analyses of questionnaires and personal interviews with CEOs from over 50 IT companies, the Cover Story aims to present a comprehensive paramount about trends and confidence in IT sector in 2002. CEO&CIO In Information Times believes that the consensus reached by the participant can largely reflect the future trends in China' s IT sector.
作者 田茂永 张鹏
出处 《IT经理世界》 2002年第1期50-59,共10页
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