我国国防科研生产运行机制的改革取得一定成绩 ,但未实行竞争择优 ,资源浪费较严重 ;军工企业管理落后 ,内控制度不健全 ,制约了行业的发展。改革的途径是 ,通过试点 ,逐步引入竞争机制 ;深化军工集团的改革 ;强化资产监管及审计工作。
The institution reform of national defense scientific research and production has achieved certain success. But because of not selecting excellent through competition, the resource has been wasted in certain degree, the enterprise management of war industry drops behind, and the system of inner control is not healthy. All of these restrict the progress of war industry. The approach of reform should be as below: to introduce competitive mechanism gradually through experimenting; to deepen the reform of war industry group;and to strengthen supervise and audit of asset.
Journal of China National School of Administration