讨论了衍射效应在微米 /纳米X射线光刻中对分辨率的影响和抗蚀剂的预烘温度与其衬度的关系。分析发现增加抗蚀剂的衬度能有效地提高工艺的容裕度 ,减小衍射作用。实验表明 ,在预烘温度为 170℃时 ,正性抗蚀剂PMMA有最高的衬度为 4 46 ,负性抗蚀剂PN 114在预烘温度为 115℃时有最高的衬度为 8 40。
The Influence of X ray diffraction effect to the resolution of micro nano scale X ray lithography and the relationship of prebake temperature and contrast of resist is discussed Analysis indicated that enhancing resist contrast can effectively improve the process latitude and minimize the diffraction influence Experiments showed that positive resist PMMA has best contrast of 4 46 at prebake temperature of 170℃ and negative resist PN114 has best contrast of 8 40 prebaked at 170℃ Results of X ray lithography using both above resists at optimized prebake temperature are given
Optical Technique